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What is Ramsey Trusted?

Dave Ramsey is the founder and CEO of the company Ramsey Solutions, where he’s helped millions of people take control of their money and their lives since 1992. He’s an eight-time national bestselling author, personal finance expert and host of The Ramsey Show. After battling his way out of bankruptcy and millions of dollars of debt, Dave set out to change the toxic money culture for good making it his company’s mission to provide biblically based, commonsense education and empowerment that give HOPE to everyone in every walk of life.

To help his listeners (and others) find service providers who value the same core principles he does, Ramsey created the “Ramsey Trusted" program. To join the program and earn the Ramsey Trusted shield, pros have to meet extremely high standards. Dave's endorsement in the marketplace isn’t something he gives out easily. Before the Ramsey Solutions Team can dive into whether a pro is missional, coachable and reliable, they’ve got to rank in the top 10% of closed sales volume in their local market. have these qualifications. This ensures the service they provide meets the expectations that people have of a Ramsey Trusted professional! 

Our Story

Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent

We pride ourselves on providing the highest possible level of customer service to our clients. Our commitment to excellence and our core values are two big reasons why I am endorsed by Ramsey Solutions as a residential real estate agent in North Carolina. Buying or Selling a home isn’t an easy choice. In fact, it is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. That’s why it’s smart to work with a trustworthy professional who understands the housing market, and the many financial options available, all while providing sound and unbiased advice while staying on budget.

A Different Type of Ramsey Trusted Agent...

When my wife Jennifer and I got married over 25 years ago we were like many other couples that you hear call into his show daily. We had student loan debt, credit card debt, multiple car payments, and at times lived paycheck to paycheck while trying to make ends meet. In 2010, there was an economic downturn and we were scared. The company I was with at the time prior to real estate was going through rounds or layoffs and my once secure job was in question. I couldn’t help but think what we were going to do if I lost my job and my salary. We had very little saved up at that time and we soon felt very exposed and helpless. I survived that round of layoffs and after a stressful morning went out and grabbed lunch to get away and think about everything that just happened. I remember getting in my car, turning on the radio and hearing Dave for the first time. People were calling into the show with similar financial problems to ours and he would give his advice on what he would do and more importantly how to prevent this from happening again in the future.

That was the first time I ever heard of the baby steps below:

The baby steps provided a plan, hope and an overall sense of relief for our personal finances. Over the next 6 months to a year, we bought the Total Money Makeover book, got on a monthly budget, enrolled in a Financial Peace University class and subscribed to the Dave Ramsey podcast. A daily show where we heard callers do their Debt Free Scream, giving us hope that one day we would be able to successfully complete this program paying off debt like they did.

Over the first few years we were able to complete Baby Step 3. I even facilitated several Financial Peace University and Smart Dollar classes at work to teach people that this can work and share our experiences. Everything was going great... we had paid off most of our debt (except the mortgage), we were saving for retirement and we now had money saved up in our emergency fund to handle the unknown... then the unknown came back around, another round of layoffs!

I unfortunately didn’t  survive the cuts and I ended up losing my job. It was different this time though because we had a plan, we had money saved up to pay our bills and we since we didn’t have any debt other than our mortgage, we weren’t stressed like we were before. In fact, this job loss ended up being one of the best things that's happened to me. I had been in the pharmaceutical industry for 20 years and I had been contemplating changing careers and doing something completely different. About six months prior to losing my job I had taken the NC Real Estate exam, successfully passed and was now a licensed provisional broker. I had always been interested in real estate after having bought and sold several homes through the years and contemplated starting a new career in this business. I wanted to approach this job differently and educate buyers and sellers on all the risks associated with these transactions, the types of loans to stay away from and the ones Dave had advised his callers to use.

Over the next two years we worked tirelessly to get this business off the ground while still consulting in the pharmaceutical industry. With Jennifer working as well, providing benefits and insurance we were finally able to make the jump to real estate full time... until the unknown came around again! The very next day after I resigned from my consulting job in pharma, Jennifer lost her job along with our insurance and benefits. Life threw us a curveball again and our plans changed but like the last time it was different. We still had no debt, money saved up to handle emergencies like this and Jennifer quickly found a job over the next few months with benefits. The business was doing really well after the first full year and we were excited about the future... and then something called Covid 19 came around.

We made it through, had one of our best years after that and then found out we had earned an endorsement by Dave Ramsey as a Ramsey Trusted Agent. We have been extremely blessed and fortunate to work with so many Ramsey clients over the years and help them achieve their dreams of home ownership all while sticking to Dave's principles. in 2024, Dave and his team invited us to his studios in Franklin Tennessee to discuss our business and for us to do our final Debt Free Scream (Baby Step 7) live on the air.


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We pride ourselves in providing personalized solutions that bring our clients closer to their dream properties and enhance their long-term wealth.